Day 14: Best of 2012

Random Observation/Comment #301: Since I graduated from Cooper, I’ve taken loads more photos. It might be the travel locations or the advancement of camera phone technology and social networks sharing, but it is also more likely that it’s my natural convergence into becoming more Asian as I age.  Soon I will be able to grow a long and thin Pai Mei beard.

Ever since I’ve started traveling, I’ve been trying to reduce the number of photos I’ve taken into a manageable number of favorites.  Every year, I go through all of the pictures and decide which top 200 represent my year best.  These may not always be the best pictures by technique, but they will always remind me of good times.
The Challenge:
Review all photos taken in 2012 and pick out the top 200 to be named as “Best of 2012”.

The Reason:
If photos are meant to capture a moment in time so we can look back and smile at those days of happy moments and random events, do we really need to keep the 5,000+ I take every year?  A good photo has character. A good photo tells a story.  I wanted to go and relive my 2012 and pick the pictures that have made this year unforgettable.

The Result:
Here are the best photos of 2012:

The Conclusion:
I loved every moment of going through my old photos. Whenever I look at a photo, I fully relive the moment with all the emotions and little events that happened between the shutters. It was amazing seeing this year as a series of photos.  I think they can say more about my year than my words can.  Of course, I will still write my “Reflecting on 2012” at the end of this project.  Perhaps there are abstract thoughts I can’t capture in my photos… unless, I take a photo of my blog entry.  That’s just cheating.

~See Lemons Photograph 2012