Lessons Learned from Writing 500 Blogposts

Random Observation/Comment #500: I’m a half-kilo blogger. That’s a lot of time writing…


Milestones – What a feeling you get when you reach them. Pride. Elation. Serenity. Fulfillment. Thrill. High-five-ness. Hunger (well, I’m always hungry).

It’s been 6 years since starting this blog and each entry I published was a milestone in itself. At least I’ve felt the same emotions with each entry. I thought I’d run out of ideas to share, advice to give, or places to go, but inspiration was found with each person I met, book I read, and place I visited.

How did I do it? Here are some tips and lessons learned.

  1. Figure out your writing system. Tools, routines, environments, and triggers. I like writing on Google keep with my smartphone during my commute and directly in WordPress on the chromebook at home.
  2. Write about something you love
  3. Write what you know, and if you don’t know, do the research first
  4. Create a writing format/structure. I use the random Observation/Comment, ~See Lemons <action> closing, and lots of lists.
  5. Create a writing style. I reflect in lists and use an informal advice giving column.
  6. Know your audience. I write for my parents mostly. It’s an easy audience to please.
  7. Build/Host on a reliable site. If you get the design right the first time, you won’t have to worry about it.
  8. Pay attention to inspiration. It’s everywhere.
  9. Read everything. You will draw lines of common truths between concepts and categories
  10. Use photos related to your blog topic
  11. Write with proper spacing and smaller paragraphs so it’s easy to read
  12. Give yourself project blogposts that are connected and similarly themed (like 30 day challenges)
  13. Connect with your readers and ask for feedback
  14. Don’t write for money. If I did, I’d be too worried about bills.
  15. If you do write for money, be comfortable with edits and harsh criticism
  16. Don’t write for fame. It will probably not happen.
  17. If you’re blogging, don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Your first post doesn’t need to be magnificent and gain you 10,000 views. The truth is, you’ll get 10 and 2 of them are related to you.
  18. If you really care then you will make time
  19. Don’t worry too much about flowery poetry language. Simple words do wonders.
  20. Just keep it simple and get to the point.
  21. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes (or eyes).
  22. Work without distractions (don’t have 5 other tabs open or other apps running)
  23. Write your story to relive it
  24. Don’t get caught up on a sentence and how it’s structured or worded. In today’s skimming world, you’ll be forgiven as long as they know what you’re talking about.
  25. Write a title/headline first and then rewrite it when you’re done
  26. Don’t worry about format or publishing until later. In fact, just write in notepad
  27. Write a stream of consciousness and outline it. Then stream of consciousness off the outline.
  28. For editing, read your own writing out loud as if to someone you admire
  29. Read a WordPress “preview” of your article with a fresh mind (next day or after doing anything else but writing) before you publish
  30. Be willing to put in the hard work. The process of writing will develop other skills that help your professional world.

Bonus: “Don’t take anyone’s writing advice too seriously.”

Thank you to those who kept reading and here’s to 500 more.

~See Lemons Keep Blogging