30 r3 corda wordplay

Random Observation/Comment #591: Sometimes you need a break to get unstuck.

Why this List?

I personally love our logo designs. Kudos to Vault49 and their attention to detail. For those who haven’t seen it:





I know, so great. The best part is the cr3ativity we can have with c()mbining our logos with words:

  1. bar3 (we actually have this in a big neon sign in our office)
  2. corda c()r3
  3. dr3am team
  4. asset r3gistry
  5. r3c()rdings
  6. member’s c()nfer3nce / c()rdac()n
  7. cordapp stor3
  8. Be r3ady
  9. r3usability
  10. r3ality
  11. cr3ativity
  12. Aspiring gr3atness
  13. r3cruiting
  14. r3alm
  15. c()de r3po
  16. legal, r3g, & c()mpliance
  17. br3akglass
  18. centr3 of excellence (British spelling)
  19. pr3parations
  20. br3w (in case we make ale)
  21. featur3
  22. c()rda c()mmunity
  23. c()rda c()mposer
  24. disc()ver
  25. c()rda online c()urses
  26. c()rda c()ngress
  27. secur3
  28. c()okbook r3cipes
  29. corda c()in (j/k)
  30. c()vfefe

Always fun to take a break from solution architect-ing. Looks like I have some more random things to draw in my drawing journal.

~See Lemons C()ver3d